


How to Make More Successful New Years Resolutions [2024]

By The Family Health Clinic Team

Article by Allison Dowty – Behavioral Health Specialist at the Family Health Clinic

New Year, new you? According to a Forbes Health/One Poll survey, the average resolution lasts 3.74 months, with 8% of respondents sticking to their goals one month.

Even with the best intentions and high motivation, it can be difficult to change habits. Here are some tips that will make it more likely you can successfully accomplish your New Year’s resolution:

Baby Steps

Having an “all or nothing” mentality can make people give up on their goals too quickly. If you have a slip up, it is not a sign you are a failure or are incapable of achieving your goal. Give yourself some grace! Try breaking your goal down into smaller parts. There’s an old joke:
Q: How do you eat an elephant?
A: One bite at a time!
Most larger goals can be broken down into smaller, more achievable steps. For example, if you want to quit smoking, can you reduce cigarettes by one per week rather than cold turkey?


Make your goal Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
The best goals are specific. Clearly define your goal so you know exactly what you are trying to
accomplish. Goals should have a way to be measured so you can tell if you are making
progress. Make sure your goal is achievable by asking yourself if the expectation is reasonable.
The goal needs to be relevant and meaningful for you. You will put in more work if it feels
important! Set a deadline and/or timeframe to make the goal time-bound to hold yourself
accountable. Instead of “smoke fewer cigarettes,” you could set a goal of: “By March 1 I will
smoke no more than 3 cigarettes per day.”

Get Support

Discuss your goals with friends and family! Find someone with a similar goal to
help you stay motivated and to provide moral support. When you make your goals known to
others, it often increases your sense of accountability and commitment.

Prioritize your goal.

Schedule time to achieve your goal.  For instance, if your goal is to lose weight or exercise more, schedule your workout time first and then other activities around that.  When your goal is higher up on your to-do list, you are more likely to actually do it.

Keep your eyes on the prize.

Focus on the long-term positive gains you are trying to achieve and don’t become discouraged if you plateau.  It takes time to change habits.  Take a few moments to think about what is motivating you and what has helped so far.  Try mixing up your routine and making one small, additional change to reenergize yourself.  

Reward Yourself!

If you set a goal to exercise more, you could plan to reward yourself with new exercise clothing for a specific number of workouts completed. If you are cutting back on cigarettes, treat yourself to a dinner out or movie with friends regularly with the money you are saving.

Keep trying.

There was a reason you set the goal, to begin with.  If it is important to you, keep working toward it and don’t give up!

Let us help you reach your goals!

If you would like assistance with reaching goals you have set for yourself, please contact the clinic and
ask to schedule an appointment with a behavioral health provider.

We hope you achieve all your 2024 resolutions!

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