


5 Goals to Help You Become Healthier Than Ever

By The Family Health Clinic Team

Making health goals can sometimes feel overwhelming. One thing to remember is that it’s never too late to start trying to become a healthier you. The first step to achieving your goals is making sure you’re setting SMART goals.

Step 1: Understand SMART Goals

SMART goals are:

Specific: A goal needs to be as specific as possible so you can work toward it and achieve it.
Measurable: Make your goals measurable by putting a number on it, if you can.
Accountable: Keep track of how you’re reaching your goals by using a journal or a phone ap.
Realistic: Make sure you can see yourself reaching your goal by making it challenging but not overwhelming.
Timeframe: Put a timeframe on your goal so that you can stay motivated until the end.

Step 2: Pick some of our 5 Health Goals

Check out these five simple suggestions to move towards a healthier self.

Goal 1: Be active daily

Physical activity can do many things for you, such as:

  • Prevent and better control some risk factors for heart disease: blood cholesterol, diabetes and hypertension
  • Improve muscle and bone health (osteoporosis prevention)
  • Improve sleep
  • Control weight

For most healthy adults, the Department of Health and Human Services recommends these exercise guidelines recommend getting at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week, or a combination of moderate and vigorous activity.

Goal 2: Drink more water

To function properly, all the cells and organs of the body need water. It is also used to lubricate the joints, protect the spinal cord and other sensitive tissues, regulate body temperature, and assist the passage of food through the intestines.

The Institute of Medicine recommends that men achieve a daily fluid intake of around 3 liters and that women take in 2.2 liters. Need help drinking more water? Click here.

Goal 3: Be free of dependence on tobacco, illicit drugs, or alcohol

There are many reasons to be free of addiction to tobacco, illicit drugs, or alcohol. Drugs and alcohol cause changes in the body that lead to physical addiction. This can affect your mood and behavior. In addition, tobacco, illicit drugs or alcohol dependence can create emotional dependency, is expensive, and in some cases, illegal.

Being free of addiction can also help you to become a better parent, give you a clean conscious, aid you in creating healthy relationships, and help you in following your dreams.

If you are facing tobacco, illicit drugs, or alcohol dependence and need help, we offer behavioral health services that can help. Call our clinic at (800) 321-5043 and make an appointment.

Goal 4: Cut down on sugar

Did you know that eating less sugar can actually increase your lifespan? Sugar has a role in diabetes, heart disease, cancer, liver damage and depression. A Harvard School of Public Health study estimates that sweetened beverages contribute to 180,000 deaths worldwide – and 25,000 in America alone – per year.

One easy way to cut down on your sugar intake? Avoid sugary drinks.

Goal 5: Improve your flexibility and balance

A benefit of flexibility is increasing the range of motion around your joints. If you have a limited range of motion, it can lead to pain, injury and poor overall performance. Improving your flexibility and balance can also help in decreasing back pain, prevent injuries, ease stress, better your posture, and improve your circulation.

Ready to improve your flexibility in 2017? Learn some new ways, here. 

Step 3: Create your SMART Health Goals

If your goal is to drink more water create your SMART goal like this:

Specific: Drink the recommended amount of water daily.
Measurable: As a woman, I should be drinking roughly 2.2 liters (although some research varies)
Accountable: I will write down how many liters I drink each day.
Realistic: This is a realistic amount, since I already around 1.5 liters a day.
Timeframe: I will have this habit accomplished by the end of February.

Step 4: Enjoy!

Remind yourself along the way that what you’re doing is for the benefit of your body. Keep a positive and healthy attitude, and embrace the benefits of being a healthier you!

As a Patient Centered Medical Home, we want to work with you to help you in achieving your health goals. Talk to us at your next visit about what you’re trying to achieve, and we will see how we can help! To make an appointment call (800) 321-5043.

So, now we want to know…what are your health goals?


Physical activity:

Drinking water:

Be free of dependence:

Less sugar:

Improving flexibility: |

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